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Archive for shaping the future

© Christopher Burns

IT Data Center I

Digitalisation for the medical care of the future

Digitalisation is a central component in the design of future-oriented healthcare, research and teaching. A modern, well-equipped IT infrastructure creates the conditions for the implementation of important strategic objectives. These include the development of digitalised university medicine, the acceleration of translation and the profiling of regional and supra-regional supply networks. 

In order to meet the growing demands for computing power in medicine, a new cross-site IT data center was set up at CCM campus. This is part of a comprehensive overhaul of Charité’s IT infrastructure – in order to continue to enable top performance at an international level in the future.

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Facts about IT Data Center I

215 m² technology
EUR 6.3 million
Campus Charité Mitte
Stilisierte Serverhalle im Dunkeln
© Tanner Boriack

IT Data Center II

Digitalisation for the medical care of the future

Digitalisation is a central component in the design of future-oriented healthcare, research and teaching. A modern, well-equipped IT infrastructure creates the conditions for the implementation of important strategic objectives. These include the development of digitalised university medicine, the acceleration of translation and the profiling of regional and supra-regional supply networks. 

In order to meet the growing demands for computing power in medicine, a new cross-site IT data center was set up at CCM campus. This is part of a comprehensive overhaul of Charité’s IT infrastructure – in order to continue to enable top performance at an international level in the future.

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Facts about IT Data Center II

1,150 m² usable area & technology
EUR 10 million
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Biobank Fassade
Biobank · © erchinger wurfbaum architekten / Foto Werner Huthmacher 


High-tech wooden construction

Central biobank structures with high-quality biosamples and associated medical information are of great importance for modern biomedical research. They guarantee reliable and reproducible research results. The trend in storage technology is moving towards automatic cryo storage, “traditional” storage techniques in nitrogen tanks, -80° refrigerator storage, etc. continue simultaneously.

The joint biobank with a capacity of more than two million samples was created at Campus Virchow-Klinikum in cooperation with Charité and the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH@Charité). It is one of Germany’s first high-tech laboratory buildings of wooden construction, for which construction time and costs as well as sustainability criteria were decisive. Biological sample material is obtained, prepared and stored in the two-storey facility with the consent of patients and in accordance with the strictest data protection guidelines for research. The samples and data are used for translational research projects on causes of disease and promote the development of new and targeted therapies.

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Facts about Biobank

890 m² usable area
EUR 4 million
Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Mit Pflanzen bewachsene moderne Hauswand
© Bild: Elifin Realty

Infrastructure South

Healing people – protecting the climate

CVK's overall urban development plan envisages campus renewal and expansion over the next 30 years. This is where even more high-tech buildings for research and healthcare will be built in the future. In order to create the technical conditions, Charité is planning a comprehensive renewal of the technical infrastructure. One first step is the upgrading of the southern technical infrastructure, so that the southern construction site can be supplied with all the media required for first-class medicine, such as cold, heat, electricity, IT computing capacity, etc., with the new German Heart Center at Charité. In addition, the use of forward-looking technologies and embedding in an overall energy and media strategy can make a significant contribution towards a carbon-neutral campus. The media supply systems will be renewed and expanded and the supply lines restructured and relocated. One infrastructure node will provide space for state-of-the-art technical power and cooling systems, as well as the control room and IT data center and others. This complex task must be carried out while the existing ones remain operational on the campus.

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Facts about Southern Infrastructure

EUR 37.2 million
Campus Virchow-Klinikum

Charité Cross Over Building

Lighthouse of science

The new teaching and research center of the Medical Faculty “CharitéCrossOver” (CCO) was created on a traditional foundation between the historic children’s clinic and the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology. For the first time, the innovative building brings together under one roof important basic subjects of the faculty, the NeuroCure cluster of excellence and teaching, in particular the science subjects of medical studies.

CharitéCrossOver was the first project to be created as part of the “Masterplan Charité”. The CCO is therefore the first visible building block of campus renewal at CCM.

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CCO Außenansicht
CharitéCrossOver · © Sweco / Foto: Werner Huthmacher
CCO Innenansicht mit hängenden Lampen
CharitéCrossOver · © Sweco / Foto: Werner Huthmacher

CCO facts

13.60 m²
EUR 86.2 million
Campus Charité Mitte
Hubschrauberlandeplatz und Gebäudefassade im Hintergrund
Helipad at CBF · © Charité

Helicopter landing pad

At Campus Benjamin Franklin, it became necessary to move the existing special helicopter landing site to the south due to changes in air laws. The landing area was extended beyond the Paul Schwarz Promenade and the Teltow Canal embankment. This ensures that helicopters can take off and land in accordance with the prescribed flight operating procedures, thereby increasing flight safety. The additional parking spaces are intended for helicopters flying medication or similar from all over Germany to the hospital in Steglitz.

Emergency operations are carried out daily with the rescue helicopter of the non-profit ADAC Air Rescue, rescue personnel and Charité emergency doctors. In recent years, “Christoph 31” has seen more than 3,500 deployments per year in some cases.

The new elevated platform is 63.70 m long. Pedestrians have been provided with a canopy along the Teltow Canal. Additional social and rest areas have been created for helicopter and hangar personnel in the hangar and in the main building.

The rescue helicopter was moved to Schönefeld during the construction project and returned to its previous location in spring 2020.

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Helicopter landing pad facts

EUR 5 million
Campus Benjamin Franklin
New hybrid OR · © Foto: Sabine Gudath, Charité

Refurbishment of the OR level
(1st + 2nd construction phase)

As part of the overall development planning, the operating rooms at Campus Benjamin Franklin have already been extensively refurbished. Their layout and technical building equipment dates back to the sixties. With the step-by-step refurbishment of the operating level of the existing listed building, the conditions for the medical care of the future will be created at CBF. In the more efficient and flexible operating rooms, a higher number of operations can now take place and innovative surgical procedures can be performed in the newly equipped hybrid ORs. The three OR quadrants were refurbished in sections during ongoing hospital operations.

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Facts about the refurbishment of the OR level (1st + 2nd construction phase)

2,500 m²
EUR 35 million
Campus Benjamin Franklin
CCK Außenansicht Fassade
CCK Süd · © Charité

Charité Campus-Klinik Süd (CCK Süd)

The construction project to refurbish a total of 10 wards (SPS I+II+III) is the first significant refurbishment of the existing wards since the opening of the university hospital in 1968. Beginning in 2020, the wards in Bettenhaus II are being extensively renovated and adapted to today’s comfort standards. The result will be one- and two-bed rooms for patients with modern multimedia devices and associated bathrooms as standard. The technical infrastructure is also being renewed throughout the entire ward, as well as preparing for digitalisation in medicine. In addition, the facade elements in the respective station area are to be renovated. Renovation of the stations is a state construction project.

The corresponding stations in the temporary Charité Campus Klinik Süd will find a temporary home for the duration of the modernisation project.

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Facts about CCK South

2,700 m²
EUR 16.3 million
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Visualisierung BMM
Charité Museum of Medical History Berlin with a new forecourt after modernisation · © Rustler Schriever Architekten

Charité Museum of Medical History Berlin

A conversion and expansion on all seven floors will make the Charité Museum of Medical History Berlin fit for the future. The museum, which opened in 1899, will have a new, spacious entrance area with a room that can be used for a variety of educational purposes and a display laboratory. A large forecourt and glass showcases in the façade will open up the building to the city. Rooms for new collection objects and for the preparation of special exhibitions will be created, as will additional depots for teaching, research and project development. The museum is scheduled to reopen in 2023.

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Facts about BMM

3,150 m²
EUR 12.2 million
Campus Charité Mitte
Visualisierung eines Innenraums
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy · © HDR Germany

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

The building for the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Campus Charité Mitte was built around 110 years ago and has not been renovated for a long period. The planned architectural, fire protection and technical renovation is fundamental. The entire building will be renovated and modernised in three construction phases with partial ongoing clinic operation, so that future patient care can take place in a contemporary and healing-promoting environment.

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Facts about the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

4,160 m² usable area
EUR 18 million
Campus Charité Mitte

Research Center at Hessische Strasse

The research building in Hessische Straße on Campus Charité Mitte has been undergoing general renovation since summer 2020. The listed building from the 1950s now offers Charité and the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH@Charité) more than 2,000 square metres of usable space. Charité and BIH@Charité are researching in working groups in particular, the fields of nephrology, endocrinology and cardiology.

One particular challenge during the conversion was to simultaneously meet the high technical requirements of the laboratory operation and to observe monument preservation, for example with the new ventilation station in the roof area of the building.

The former library has been repurposed as a media and seminar room and will thus promote the exchange between research and teaching with the neighbouring Albrecht Kossel Lecture Theatre.

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Leere Labortische
Research Center at Hessische Strasse · © HDR Germany / Foto Ebener
Treppenhaus mit gelbem Gelender
Research Center at Hessische Strasse · © HDR Germany / Foto Ebener

Facts about Research Center at Hessische Strasse

2,400 m² usable area
EUR 13.75 million
Campus Charité Mitte