Construction Division Management Team
Management of Charité’s construction projects from vision to realisation.
Jochen Brinkmann
Head of Construction Division
Nadine Mauritz
Head of Strategic Master Planning | Deputy Head of Construction Division
Peter Schmiedgen
Head of Construction Management
Matthias Schmidt
Head of Large Scale Projects
Areas of activity
Strategic Master Planning
The Strategic Master Planning Department of the Construction Division is working on the future urban design visions for all Charité campuses. Together with interdisciplinary planning partners, Nadine Mauritz and her team develop outstanding conceptual approaches that combine urban design, landscaping, ecological, architectural and functional qualities. The urban design and architectural approaches also reflect Charité’s top international level of research and treatment in terms of built environment. At the same time, they respect the historical and architecturally important heritage. Based on the future Masterplans for the campuses, the team prepares studies and demand programs of individual projects as a basis for content-related and financial decisions.
Construction Management
Construction Management coordinates all Charité construction projects, in particular those implemented together with the State of Berlin. Peter Schmiedgen’s team selects the planning and construction partners and oversees all planning and construction steps. The Construction management controlls , the planning steps, the tender process and ensures the completion of the buildings. The Work is balanced out between the priorities of the preservation of historical monumentsand the challenges of constructing high-tech medical structures for the medicine of the future. The interdisciplinary team of architects and engineers also manages the implementation of the technical infrastructure projects as an essential part of the medical care of the future.
Large Scale Projects
Large scale projects with a volume of more than EUR 60 million are an important part of “Charité 2030 –Rethinking Health”. With this vision, Charité is developing its own, differentiated profile for each of its clinical campuses in Berlin. The Strategie is creating the basis for the Masterplan development of the individual campuses. Matthias Schmidt and his team plan and coordinate the implementation of the highly complex and large scale projects based on the Masterplans. These flagship projects are the heart of the “Healthcare City Berlin 2030”. One example is the German Heart Center at Charité (DHZC).